Our Mission
Skyline Credit Union exist for the purpose of providing members with a quality, convenient financial institution, owned and operated by those who share a common bond.
Services offered include, but are not limited to: saving, loans and financial guidance. We offer savings and loan services at competitive rates while operating in a safe and efficient manner, thus assisting in our members' financial well-being.
We will accomplish our mission through continued education, training and planning by volunteers, management/staff and board of directors, while complying with state and federal regulatory agencies.
Credit Union Staff
Virginia Brooks, Manager
Shannon Aldridge, Asst. Manager
Debbie Foster, Member Service
Suzanne Dunn, Member Service
Caitlin Duke, Member Service
Who owns the credit union
- The members own the credit union, with each member having one vote.
How can I have a voice in the credit union
Each member has one vote, and by state law, the credit union is required to have a membership meeting once a year. At the membership meeting, the members elect the directors to run the credit union.
Board of Directors
- Angela Smith - President
- Gary Washer - Vice President
- Daniel Knalls - Vice President
- Rose Ankenbauer - Treasurer
- Loretta Baltz - Secretary
- Rhonda Blackwell - Director
- Cathy Manger - Director